Keeping you in the loop

Hi all!

I’ve had a couple pretty cool weeks on the track and in the church. Upon reflection, my most prominent emotion is gratefulness. This gratitude is towards an abundance of people reaching out to help me in different ways. It’s also towards new opportunities, a body that is capable of exploring and enjoying nature, an excitement about learning, and a forgiving God.

First up, TRACK: For a nice chunk of this fall and winter, my coaches, therapists, acupuncturist, and I have been working hard to manage what we believe to be nerve entrapment at scar tissue on the ischial tuberosity (or butt bone) which developed as a result of (some degree of) tendon tearing in a hurdle session last May. With the help of the incredibly passionate support group above, I’ve had two solid weeks of pain-free practices and MAN DOES THAT FEEL GOOD! After only being able to ramp up the intensity to about 80% for a while, a full, powerful stride gives an incredible sense of freedom. I feel like Pocahontas in my running workouts! It has been really encouraging to see some of the technical cues we’ve been working on happen so naturally when the hamstring and glute are firing correctly. In the words of a teammate, I feel like a kid on the playground out there!

Next up, SERVICE: My first official season as a High School Track and Field Coach begins on Monday! I’ve been able to meet with the kids for a couple practices the past few weeks and each time has left me feeling energized and purposeful. I have an opportunity to help these kids discover talent they may have never known they possess. I get to be part of many life lessons they will learn through sport, such as building relationships and striving for a goal. Most importantly, I get to be a role model and leader for this group, so please pray that I reflect Jesus to them in all my words and actions. Pray that my first priority is to display love!

Question for all you high school coaches out there… what have you done to address shin splints from previous sport seasons? We will certainly be emphasizing proper foot strike mechanics and soft/quiet landings and calf development but I’d like to take proper measures to knock out lingering pains.

I’m sure I will have a plethora of stories for you all throughout the season. I will keep you posted!

Last but not least, SPIRITUALITY: Have you ever taken a class on a subject that you are super passionate about? You read far beyond the assigned chapters and find yourself stuck on this material instead of studying for the exam you really need to prepare for. I have been experiencing a similar ongoing state of excitement for scripture. Kyle and I have been attending a leadership course held by our Phoenix church, Harvest Bible. In our last gathering, we spoke about counseling the heart using a metaphor of a tree. Imagine the sun providing the heat/pressure/situation, the leaves and fruit of the tree symbolizing our behaviors, and the roots of the tree representing our heart’s desires and beliefs. If we are fixated on changing the behavior, the results will only be temporary. True changes must come from attacking the heart in a loving, genuine, patient way.

“No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.” Luke 6:43

So if you or your flock are off-course with actions, take a deep look into the heart. Are you filling your heart and mind with things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable? Human beings are not made to be perfect- we will sin, but correction comes from changes within. Humans see the fruit, but God sees our heart. Learning about the incredible gifts of salvation, grace, mercy, peace, and joy makes my heart want to glorify Him. Although I am a sinful human, I pray that my yearning to further understand God’s greatness can continue to transform the desires of my heart.

Friends and family, where do you stand on this? Please share your story.

Also, I’m in the final 2 weeks of my RallyMe campaign. Please visit if you would like to contribute to Shine On.

4 thoughts on “Keeping you in the loop

  1. Thank you for taking the time to coach and mentor the students on Shadow Mt HS Track. I’ve only chatted with you and observed you interacting with the students a few times, however, I can tell that you will be making a strong, positive, and long lasting impression on all the students you work with at the school.


  2. I am thrilled that you are able to coach high school!!! There is no person that fits more perfectly into that role than you…and I have no doubt you will impact all of them with your love and constant encouragement!


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